
What is Not Allowed on the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet is a variety of different eating habits that can be adopted by anyone, not just people living in Mediterranean countries. It encourages eating whole, natural foods and avoiding processed substances. According to this diet, the less a food is processed, the more healthful it is.

Don’t let the name fool you, the Mediterranean diet was originally developed in France and Italy and had a rich diversity of foods to include, not just all that olive oil. 

The Mediterranean diet has been associated with several health benefits. Despite these health benefits, some people may be concerned with the lack of fat in this diet. The Mediterranean diet is not meant to be lacking in fat. And according to the American Heart Association, research has shown that eating a Mediterranean-style diet can not only help you lose weight but it can improve your heart health. 

All five of the major food groups are part of this diet: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes and fish. This article will explain what not to eat on the Mediterranean diet.

What is Not Allowed on the Mediterranean Diet?

While a variety of foods are allowed on this diet, there are several things that you should not eat while you’re enjoying Mediterranean cuisine.


Starchy foods, such as potatoes, corn and breads are best avoided on the Mediterranean diet. Starchy foods are a source of carbohydrates that can raise your blood sugar level. They also trigger the release of insulin, which encourages your body to store fat.

All grains and starchy vegetables, even if they’re labeled ‘whole grain’, should be avoided on the Mediterranean diet. The Amish do well to avoid grains in general.

While people who are strict vegetarians do well to avoid grains, those with allergies to foods like wheat do well to avoid them as well.

All grains should be avoided on the Mediterranean diet, with the exception of quinoa. These are all things that could be included on the vegan diet.


Sweets that are made with white flour, refined sugar and unhealthy fats are not included in this diet. These sweets include cookies, pastries and candies. They’re not part of the Mediterranean diet to avoid unnecessary calories, processed sugars and fats.

Salty Snacks

Pretzels, chips and other salty snacks are not allowed on the Mediterranean diet. These snacks are full of both carbohydrates and fat.

Foods that are considered unhealthy

The Mediterranean diet does not include foods that are high in saturated fat, like red meat and butter. In addition, high cholesterol foods such as eggs should be avoided.

Although the Mediterranean diet is a healthy way of eating, it is not completely free of MSG or food additives. These chemicals can cause headaches and stomachaches for some people and can contribute to weight gain.

In addition, some fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and potatoes, have a high glycemic index. This means that they can raise your blood sugar level quickly.

Many over-the-counter medications also contain ingredients that should be avoided on the Mediterranean diet. Even natural herbs can contribute to weight gain if you’re not careful about how much you take of them.

Roasted and fried foods are best avoided during your first few weeks on the Mediterranean diet, because they’re high in unhealthy fats.

When you start to get used to this diet, you can begin to add some of the things that are not allowed back into your diet. Then you’ll have a healthy way of eating that you can easily maintain for a lifetime.


This article has shown what is not allowed on the Mediterranean diet. It’s similar to a variety of diets, including the vegan, Atkins, South Beach, and paleo diets.

Anaïs Allahoum

Hey! my name's Anais and I'm a blog post writer. Mediterranean food is one of the tastiest type of food, and through this blog, I'm aiming to share my passion for it and learned tips with you.

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