
Best Mediterranean Cold Soups For The Heat

With the arrival of heat, hydration is essential. And one of the best options in the kitchen is cold soups. These low-calorie proposals are going to enchant you

Cucumber and watermelon soup with celery.

To prepare this refreshing soup, chop a watermelon, crush it in the blender, and chill in the refrigerator. In addition, it will take bread crumbs, vegetable broth, chopped cucumber, vinegar, salt, and oil to the blender, and, once mixed, it must also be reserved in the fridge.

Serve both soups very cold on the same plate and decorate with celery stuffed with the cheese of your choice and black olives.


This is considered a classic, right? Well, this is the official version of the summer. Soak a slice of bread in a little water. Chop tomatoes, cucumber, chives, and bell pepper; add garlic and the slice of bread that you had previously soaked, water, oil, vinegar, and salt, and proceed to crush everything. Serve the gazpacho and garnish it with grated Krissia, fresh, nutritious, and delicious to beat the heat!

Cold cream of mushrooms.

Clean, chop and sauté the mushrooms in a pot with a little oil, when you consider that they are well cooked add milk, water, and pepper. Add peeled and chopped potato, proceed to mash when the potato is soft, and wait for it to cool.

To decorate, prepare the ham in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees, once it is crispy, place it on top. You can also grate a little boiled egg over the cream.

Avocado soup with ham.

Put the bone of ham and leeks in a pot with water, once they are cooked you can reserve them. Peel two ripe avocados, chop them into cubes, and crush them in the blender with a little lemon juice, while crushing them add the ham and leek broth. When the cream has a consistency that you like, pass it through the strainer and serve. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and fried ham.

Ajo blanco with grapes.

Direct influence from Andalusia and Extremadura directly to your table this summer. Prepare grape juice in the blender, strain them, and reserve in the refrigerator.

On the other hand, crush almonds with minced garlic and a breadcrumb moistened in water. While grinding add olive oil and water until a fine cream forms. Pass it through the strainer and serve with a few sprigs of chives and grape juice to decorate.

All these recipes will keep you hydrated, prevent you from kneeling, and provide the nutrients you need so that your energy does not drop as the temperature rises.

We hope you dare to try them and create your own cold creams and soups for the summer.

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