The Presence of Pizza & Fish In The Mediterranean Cuisine

Speaking of pizza and fish, one could mistakenly think of Pizza Marinara which actually has nothing of marine, since it is prepared with oregano, pieces of garlic, and tomato sauce. This pizza owes its name to the fact that the sailors took it with them during navigation and used it as a snack … rather reinforced

Today, however, the real pizza with fish is a gem of the menus of gourmet pizzerias, but it is also offered in the more laid-back pizzerias, demonstrating the fact that it increasingly teases pizza lovers. So we want to try to invent some fish-based recipes

Ideas for pizza and fish

If we think of a fish that can be used to personalize a pizza flavor we naturally come to mind the classic seafood or anchovies and herring, often used in salt, but we could dare a little more taking inspiration from recipes for gourmet pizzas.

You can, for example, take a very simple Pizza Olio e Pomodoro and add some cod, which with its sweetness will perfectly balance the acidity of the tomato. If you want to further enrich the taste try with capers and black olives.

Moving on to white pizzas, you can customize the Creative Pizza ) or the Spring Pizza (with provolone and fresh cherry tomatoes) by adding, when cooked, thin salmon fillets, finely chopped Tropea onions and chives.

A perfect idea also for a fresh and original aperitif.

And the salmon does not disappoint even on the red pizza, so both on the Margherita and on our Bufalina

Pizza with swordfish

Let’s move on to swordfish, also perfect on Pizza Olio e Pomodoro, to which we can add, in a more summery variant, fried green peppers.

And swordfish is also great on white pizza and therefore can be the absolute protagonist of a reinterpretation of the Creative Pizza. Add caramelized onions or sautéed onions and swordfish fillets to its mozzarella base. This variant is also great by replacing swordfish with tuna fillets.

Pizza with seafood

We close this roundup of pizza and fish recipes with the most classic of marine-themed pizzas: pizza with seafood, one of the most loved flavors by Italians, especially in the south. Ingredients that cannot be missing are mussels, clams, shrimps, small cuttlefish that make up a mix of the sea that is good on both red and white pizza with cherry tomatoes.

To make this pizza at home, we recommend starting with a base of Oil and Tomato or a Primavera to enrich with all the seafood previously opened in a pan or blanched in water, complete with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.

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