Eggs And The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet has always distinguished the diet of our country as that of the Mediterranean basin: Greece, Spain, Southern France; it is a real model that does not consist only in a set of foods, but in a true philosophy of life. In fact, it is spreading throughout the world especially in Latin American countries including Argentina and Uruguay, representing a strong link between healthy eating and better life

Eggs reserve good surprises also for health; contrary to what has always been believed. A recent study has defined eggs as able to counteract the increase in cholesterol. It would seem a commercial gimmick instead it is proven that eating eggs 2-3 times a week greatly benefits human health.

Do Eggs Raise Cholesterol?

Eggs are a cheap and easy to cook food, have few calories (about 80 for a large chicken egg) and are the basis of many recipes, good and quick to prepare. Unfortunately we all know that they have a high cholesterol content, so we try not to abuse them, but is it right? How many eggs can I consume per week? Is it true that they are bad for the liver? Can I eat them for breakfast? Cholesterol aside, how many and what benefits does an egg have?

Eggs contain cholesterol but in moderate quantities: it is present only in the yolk and it represents only 5% of the fats of an egg (an average egg contains 190 mg and the dose recommended is 300 mg per day).

65% is made up of fatty acids with a high percentage of oleic acid, omega 3 and omega 6, so if your cholesterol is under control you should not be afraid that it will rise if you consume eggs!

If, however, you suffer from hypercholesterolemia or if you have to lower blood cholesterol levels, eggs are not a recommended food: it is better to eat them in moderation or try, at least, to avoid the yolk.

Almost everyone knows the risks, but few know that eggs are a very healthy food and an interesting source of omega 3 and 6, useful for health because they help prevent cardiovascular diseases. So let’s take stock of the properties of the egg and how to introduce it into our diet.

How Many Eggs Can You Eat A Week

They can be consumed weekly from 2 to 4 servings.

Eggs are a good source of essential nutrients and proteins that, thanks to their high content of essential amino acids, have the highest biological value among all food protein sources.

The consumption of eggs leads to an improvement in the quality and variety of the diet. So two to four eggs a week can therefore be eaten safely but, like all foods, it is advisable not to abuse them. Eggs are a food of high biological value, precisely because they have all the essential amino acids.

Studies have shown that carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, found in large quantities in egg yolk, are able to reduce the risk of macular degeneration linked to ageing, which is one of the main causes of blindness in the elderly.

But we cannot consider them a complete food because they are free of carbohydrates and fibre, but precisely the absence of these nutrients makes the egg highly digestible and therefore also suitable for feeding children and the elderly. The high protein content (12.5g per 100g) means that this food has a high satiety index

What Makes Eggs So Healthy 

Egg white consists mainly of water (88%) and protein (9%), while the yolk is composed of water (51%), fat (31%) and protein (16%). Some key nutrients, such as vitamin A, D, vitamin B12, folate and selenium, have been associated with the prevention of certain chronic degenerative diseases. Studies looking for dietary causes underlying heart disease have found no link with regular egg consumption; individuals who consume an average of three eggs per week have significantly higher absorption levels of vitamins B12, A and D, niacin (vitamin B3), iodine, zinc and magnesium than non-egg consumers.

Egg, Especially Yolk, Is An Excellent Source Of These Nutrients.

Its organoleptic but also aesthetic characteristics vary according to the type of breeding to which the hen is subjected: The colour of the yolk, for example, undergoes chromatic variations according to the animal’s diet. The colour instead of the shell varies according to the breed of the hen. It is important to keep in mind that, in both cases, neither the freshness nor the genuineness of the egg depends on the colour. Despite its size, the egg can also be considered an elixir of youth thanks to its richness in antioxidants essential for fighting free radicals. The antioxidant content in raw yolk is even greater than that possessed by an apple and is comparable to that given by a portion of cranberries of about 25-30g.

What’s The Best Method To Cook Eggs 

Cooking is a further aspect to consider in terms of health: boiled or cooked, they retain all the nutritional properties and keep the amount of cholesterol and fats present in the blood unchanged. Cooked with a bull’s eye or beaten and fried in a pan with oil or butter instead add saturated fats to the preparation and as a result, cholesterol easily increases. It is therefore important to carefully consider the cooking method used.

So eggs do not stop giving great surprises for our well-being and our health because they are a food rich in proteins and various fundamental nutrients for our body.

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