Quick And Easy Recipe Of Garantita


The Garantita is a dish very common in Algeria originating in Spain which is eaten in sandwich. Depending on the region, its name differs, we find it under the name of Garantita (Algerian), karantita, calentica, karen or el hami (western Algeria).

Prepared from ground chickpeas and eggs, Garantita is among the most famous dishes in Algeria, as you will not find a “fast” restaurant in Algiers that does not offer it to customers. And with its low price, which ranges between 20 and 40 Algerian dinars (0.15 and 0.30 dollars), Garantita has become this popular food with a special place in everyone’s heart, due to its taste and ease of preparation.

It is the poor man’s sandwich or as called in Algiers el kebda el beida (white liver) it is eaten with harissa and powdered cumin. The recipe is relatively simple and very easy to prepare, a gluten-free dish that can be enjoyed all year round.

Where does the Garantita come from?

La Garantita, or more commonly known as Calentica in Oran, originates from this city but was invented by the Spaniards. The legend says that it would be a preparation resulting from a chance. Spanish soldiers, present at the fort of Santa Cruz in the 18th century, would one day have run out of provisions. All they had left was chickpea flour, water and oil. Faced with this situation, the cook had the idea to mix these foods, which resulted in a hot dish hence the name given to it.

How do you eat Garantita in Algeria?

Algerians like to taste it in half a baguette, sprinkled with salt, pepper and cumin. For lovers of the spicy taste, they add Harissa (mashed red peppers). The rule is that Garantita is always eaten hot and never cold! For a complete menu, a good lemonade made in Algeria would be ideal!

Where is it found?

It can be found everywhere in Algeria. Originally from the western region and more precisely from Oran, it is sold in the four corners of the city. In Algiers, several fast-food restaurants and restaurants prepare the Garantita. All Algerians will tell you that it is better bought than prepared at home. Indeed, it is customary, mainly at lunch break, to have a Garantita sandwich. It manages to impose itself in the middle of hamburgers, pizzas and other preparations of fast food because always so appreciated by Algerians.

Quick And Easy Recipe Of Garantita

Difficulty: Beginner Servings: 5 Best Season: Suitable throughout the year


Garantita is Frequently sold by street vendors in the big cities of Algeria, it is preferably consumed hot.

This fast food dish is the best-selling, in particular, because of its very economical price1. Often, the Garantita is accompanied by a red sauce made of water, concentrated tomato, and harissa.

There are two versions of the Garantita: a simple version that contains only chickpea flour, water, and salt, and a more elaborate version that contains eggs.



  1. Mix the chickpea flour with the water and let it rest

  2. Then add the oil, the eggs, the cumin, salt, and pepper, mix everything

  3. Put in a baking dish, bake at 180 ° for about 1 hour of cooking

  4. In the end, you can light the grill to make it a little golden, it should be soft on top and firmer below

  5. Take out of the oven sprinkle with cumin

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