Best Tips To Make A Great Fruit Salad

Whether for breakfast, after lunch, or as a snack, you can never refuse a good cup of fruit salad. But what a pain when at the first taste we realize that it is too soft, or too bitter or, on the contrary, too sweet, isn’t it? So, let’s put an end to our perplexities with some useful tricks on how to make a perfect fruit salad without difficulty, which even the most reluctant children to eat fruit will appreciate.

Preparing a fruit salad seems like a simple task when you think that it is only a matter of chopping the fruit and pouring it into a bowl. But the success of preparing a delicious fruit salad has its “tricks”, which are not complicated at all, but they CAN make a big difference.

that said, what are the tips to keep in mind to make a good Macedonia or fruit salad?

The First Rule Is To Choose Seasonal Fruit

Fleshy and stone fruits are ideal, but for that, you have to wait for the summer season. Strawberries, plums, cherries, peaches, and melons are spectacular and pair very well with each other. In addition, you can add sweet and tropical fruits, such as pineapple or mango. Banana is excellent, but you have to add it at the last minute because it oxidizes quickly.

It is also important that the fruit is ripe in the same way: remember that the different types of fruit have different ripening times. For example, apples, pears, apricots, and peaches (to name a few) can be purchased early in their ripeness and used a few days later, while fruits such as grapes or cherries must be purchased and consumed the same day.

Cutting The Fruits

If the strawberries are small, it is advisable to leave them whole; in addition, generally, the smallest strawberry is usually tastier. If they are large, they can be cut into sheets. In all cases, it is advisable to wash them well because they usually have a lot of pesticides. The plums and peaches are cut into wedges, the banana into slices, and the pineapple into triangles. Once chopped, add a splash of lemon juice to maintain the original color of the fruits.

Another factor that favors the success of a perfect fruit salad is the absence of seeds, stones, petioles, and even the peel because this foresight will make it more cured and inviting.

How To Sweeten My Fruit Salad?

If the fruits are ripe, no added sugar is necessary. It is enough with a good syrup, if not, you can add one or two tablespoons of sugar, to suit the cook. You can also add orange juice, or if you want to make it a little alcoholic, a few drops of Marsala, Port, or Kirsch.

For an extra touch, and to create tasty variations, add spices or aromatic herbs: for example mint, which in addition to giving a little color and being used as a real decoration, will give a particular flavor to the fruit salad.

To close a family lunch, during holidays and special occasions, a base or a topping of yogurt or whipped cream will give the fruit salad that creaminess that will be able to enchant even those who do not love fruit. And they are also so greedy!

After adding the sugar, stir and place the bowl, preferably glass, in the fridge, covered with cling film. Before serving the fruit salad, however, remember to let it rest for a while at room temperature, in order to serve it cold but not frozen.

How To Flavor My Fruit Salad

  • Autumn fruits: natural sweet wine.
  • Citrus fruits: candied ginger or orange blossom water.
  • Pineapple: Tabasco (or pepper) and fresh coriander.
  • Mangoes: passion fruit and rum.
  • Red fruits: lemon juice and rose syrup.
  • Peaches: sweet wine or sparkling wine; orange juice and orange blossom water; light lemon syrup (water + sugar + zest boiled together and cooled) and finely chopped fresh mint or verbena.

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