Best Tips For Healthy Ramadan Fasting

During Ramadan, it is appropriate to review the advice that helps fasters gain the greatest share of the known health benefits of fasting and to avoid the harms that must be done to them if they are abused.

Fasting Ramadan has many health benefits that science has proven in many studies, including granting a “leave” to the digestive system to recover, ridding the body of waste and toxins, reducing its stock of grease and cholesterol, as well as treating high blood pressure, fighting obesity, helping to get rid of nicotine addiction (cigarettes), caffeine, allergy treatment, psoriasis, and arthritis. Therefore:

Eat Your Food Gradually

It is recommended to start iftar with food and some drink, then leave a period of time 10 to 15 minutes before eating again. this can deliver the first sugars of food from the blood to the brain, inhibiting hunger, as well as thirst. then eat no more than you need to eat and drink at iftar.

Moreover, this method allows the empty stomach to gradually expand and avoid fasting stretching its walls, preventing indigestion, and relaxation of the muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus (pressed). this relaxation causes the stomach juicer to reflux the esophagus and the subsequent digestive heartburn.

Perhaps our ancestors’ habit of starting their iftar with some dates and a glass of water or milk has something to support modern food science. dates are a great fruit with high levels of fast-absorbing sugar, as well as a large number of beneficial vitamins and essential salts. it also contains a lot of fiber that helps prevent constipation. milk provides us with most of our daily needs of calcium and vitamin d.

Resist Overeating

fasting people must resist the urge to eat and drink quickly, so as not to swallow large amounts of air, which expands the stomach and invites burping. he should also avoid drinking too much fluid during food, as this can increase infectious juice and cause poor digestion and bloating. it is preferable for the fasting person to drink liquids between iftar and suhoor.

Divide Your Food Ingredients

iftar ingredients are better divided into one-third of vegetables and fruits, one-third of starches (rice or whole-grain bread), and one-third of proteins (fish, chicken, or fat-free meat). also, fat, fried, and salty food should be avoided as much as possible, and only a small amount of sweets should be satisfied.

let us remember that too much salt leads to thirst during fasting and may lead to increased pressure in those exposed to it (who may not know they are ready to develop it). many may not realize that salt is found in many foods and beverages, such as canned foods, soft drinks, and licorice syrup.

Make Sure You Have A Suhoor Meal

be careful to eat suhoor before dawn. they are a guarantee against hunger and low resolve during the day (especially when the day is as long as the days of Ramadan this year). although this meal is usually smaller than iftar, it is preferable to contain all the nutrients (especially proteins). it is useful to eat dried fruit, pulses (such as beans, beans, and lentils), and unsalted nuts in a suhoor meal, because of their slow metabolism. they help withstand fasting, and their large fibers help avoid constipation.

Eat A Bean Meal

it is desirable to have a snack between iftar and suhoor, including some fruits and dairy products such as cheese or labneh. whether the fasting person adopts two or three basic meals, he should not forget the golden rule that dictates that we all stop eating before feeling full.

perhaps the Japanese rule: “stop eating after 80 percent of your stomach is full!” has great benefit. to be able to do so, it may be useful to determine the amount of food on offer at the table before starting iftar.

More Than Drinking Liquids

it is necessary to drink more fluids between the main meals (you should drink at least eight cups a day), in order to avoid dehydration, support kidney function and fight constipation. let us remember that the best fluid is sore water. sweetened drinks increase bowel gases and also raise blood sugar rapidly, necessarily followed by a rapid drop in sugar that causes hunger in a short period of time.

we should therefore avoid drinking too much coffee and tea (especially at suhoor) because they are diuretics and cause dehydration and thirst during the day. they also lead to insomnia and sleep disorder.

Quit Smoking

Ramadan may be the best occasion to stop smoking. the health damage of smoking is now known to all and has a greater impact on the fasting person whose body needs all health support during fasting days.

Avoid Sleeping After Meals

it is best not to lie on his back and not go to sleep immediately after iftar or suhoor, in order to avoid stomach food returning to the esophagus and heartburn. this is particularly important for people with a diaphragm hernia (most of whom are unaware of their injuries). it is also preferable to make a move or walk (even for 10 minutes) before bedtime.

Avoid Staying Up Late

the fasting person should not deprive himself of enough sleep, and let us remember that feeling tired and tired during fasting is not due to the body’s need for energy and food, as many believe, but because of large meals and long nights.

Stick To Healthy Food

it is recommended to avoid restaurants as much as possible during Ramadan, a habit that has recently been used by a large number of Muslims. there is no food equivalent to home food in terms of cleanliness and safety of food ingredients.

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