Healthy Ramadhan

Does Ramadan Really Help You Lose Weight?

A month of fasting, a month in which observant Muslims abstained from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset, a month in which we turned a little more to God and others.

If the dimension of Ramadan is above all spiritual, the fasting that accompanies it does not fail to have effects on the body of those who respect it. Of course, it all depends on how to approach the issue of fasting, and how to practice it on a daily basis.

Lose Weight? Not Necessarily!

A priori, one might think that fasting is the best enemy of superfluous curves and other love handles that we would like to offload.

Not drinking, and not eating all day, especially in the summer season, is a physical ordeal that would make you lose weight. Not necessarily, because once night falls, breaking the fast more than compensates for the lack of the day.

Even if in summer, it is difficult to have three meals in the evening, being with your family means that we stay longer at the table, that we linger and therefore that we eat more.

Doing Ramadan alone or in a small committee is different: we take less time to prepare hearty dishes or to be tempted by a dessert.

Often, it is the change in eating habits that can lead to weight gain: when eating in the same way during fasting as the rest of the year, the discourse is different.

Everything, therefore, depends on the diet, and the upheaval of habits: even if in general we eat in smaller quantities, we must be careful not to consume too heavy foods, too caloric, especially in the evening, because digestion is less well than in the day.

After Ramadan, Another Story

If you keep good eating habits during fasting, a priori there is no reason to gain weight or even lose weight.

In general, it is the first few days that are difficult, when hunger and thirst are felt more.

The fact of not drinking or eating during the day dries up the appetite over time, and it is true that after a few days, we are quickly satisfied in the evening and we are more likely to eat in small quantities.

The danger is the aftermath, even if we keep the same weight during the fast, it is during the days following Eid that we can easily take it

Even if we can have fun during the break of the fast and let ourselves go to some deviations, the keyword remains moderation:

In general, the body adapts quite well to fasting. There is not necessarily weight loss or gain, even after Ramadan, because even if the diet may be richer (fast sugars, pastries, fried foods), care must be taken to resume normal eating habits. 

The Whole Thing Is To Believe In It

Fasting or not fasting, Ramadan is not just about food. Far from it. The spiritual dimension prevails, because it is a month when one turns to one’s faith, to others, and the deprivation of water and food during the day is only one component among others.

Whether we invest more in the needy, the family, or the entourage, it is the state of mind we have during the fast that will make the difference. A point of view shared by the dietician:

In fact, there are two ways to see Ramadan: some feel it as a frustration, a deprivation because we do not eat or drink during the day. And in the evening, they catch up.

Others eat healthier during Ramadan (baking more than frying in oil, water more than sodas and fruit juices, vegetables, and fruits instead of a sweet dessert) and are not looking to fill a gap or make up for something. 

It’s a time when you want to have control of yourself, both on food and the rest. We try to control our impulses, the usual desires that we put aside: a day without coffee, without tobacco, without sexual relations. »

Especially since it is not a real fast, since in the evening you can eat and drink what you want. The body adapts, although, of course, we must strive not to shake up our eating habits too much.

The important thing is to maintain a balanced diet. Fasting is not bad in itself, only meal times are staggered. The important thing is to hydrate sufficiently in the evening, to ensure your lifestyle. Even if we can have some small worries on a daily basis (fatigue, headaches, constipation), deep down it is on a personal level that everything will play out.

Fasting is above all a personal choice, a journey of faith that differs from one person to another.

Some may have a harder time adapting and may gain a few pounds, others lose some. Living and climatic conditions can also come into play, but above all, everyone does their own Ramadan.

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