The Pros And Cons of the Mediterranean Diet

When we talk about the Mediterranean diet, we are mainly referring to the traditional diet of the Greeks and Cretans. We find the first studies on the subject, in old studies dating from the 50s “The Seven Countries Study”, carried out by Ancel Keys. These studies showed that, despite a diet in which to find a high fat intake, the inhabitants of these islands had greater health and a life expectancy and above all better quality.

This diet combines a precept of “food moderation” while incorporating a wide variety of good quality foods. All this must be coupled with an active life (and regular physical activity, at best). Its principles are relatively simple to understand (there are no complex calculations to do, nor too rigorous a program to set up).

Features Of The Mediterranean Diet:

  • Protective against cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers
  • Based on a predominantly plant-based diet
  • Rich in quality unsaturated fats
  • Exceptional intake of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins
  • Weight loss is not a priority

The Pros And Cons Of The Mediterranean Diet 

The Positive Points Of The Mediterranean Diet

  1. Feeling full: The Mediterranean diet is not a low-calorie diet like the Dukan diet or other diets that are both overly restrictive and ineffective. It allows you to consume a good number of nutrients, which quickly give you a feeling of hunger. In addition, it is not restrictive since it does not prohibit any food (it simply limits them).
  1. Ease of adoption: The Mediterranean diet is not complicated to set up at home, and even outside! By choosing the right restaurants, it is possible to have fun and go out with friends, while applying your Mediterranean diet. The key is to choose the right ingredients when shopping or to choose the right place (adapted cuisine) and the right dishes on the menu when placing your order.
  1. Weight loss: Weight loss with this mode of eating is real but very gradual. Indeed, you do not lose 3 kilos per week over a reduced period, but fat more durably, without affecting the muscles (which can be affected by too restrictive diets). Indeed, people subjected to this diet lost more weight than those subjected to a weight loss diet, whose only characteristic was to be low-calorie and low in fat.

Among the main disadvantages of the Mediterranean diet are:

  1. Limited meat: in this type of diet its consumption is limited much more than in other types of diets.
  1. Size of proportions: The Mediterranean diet does not clearly indicate the amount and sizes of food proportions.
  1. Loss of calcium: usually carrying out this diet results in a loss of calcium by consuming fewer dairy products.
  1. It takes time: to carry out the Mediterranean diet it is necessary to cook and have time to prepare the corresponding dishes.
  1. Decrease in olive oil: to lose weight it is necessary to moderate and decrease fatty seasonings such as olive oil.
  1. Reduced iron levels: this type of diet provides low levels of iron to the body so it is necessary to take foods rich in iron or Vitamin C.

Myths about the Mediterranean diet

  • Myth #1: The Mediterranean diet is not cheap.

Fact: Legumes and lentils that provide protein are an important part of the Mediterranean diet. It was pretty cheap. In addition, the consumption of processed foods is minimal, which reduces expenses.

  • Myth #2: If one cup of juice contributes to your heart health, 3 cups represent three times more health benefits.

Fact: Consuming moderate amounts can be effective in keeping your heart healthy. However, drinking too much juice can cause many cardiovascular diseases.


Lose weight, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease… this is only a brief overview of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. According to My House My Health, the Cretan diet is the best diet to lose weight, but not only. It is also ideal for keeping fit. And for good reason, it focuses above all on health, not on restriction! The Mediterranean diet is not a simple diet, but rather a lifestyle that is supposed to be adopted in the very long term. To test without moderation!

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