The Mediterranean Egg Dish Recipe


Eggs are a staple in the Mediterranean diet, and no dish better exemplifies this than this healthy and tasty dish. The mediterranean egg dish is a breakfast or brunch dish, typically made with eggs, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

One of the most popular variations of this ingredient-heavy dish is an Italian omelet. Typically it is filled with ingredients such as cheese, sausage, and spinach and served in a combination of bread and tomato sauce. The omelets are then broken up into quarters for presentation in the meal or left intact depending on personal preference.

Other variations of this dish include the Greek omelet, which is typically stuffed with spinach and tomatoes. The Spanish omelet is a filling dish consisting of eggs, spanish ham, pepper and onions.

The origin of the mediterranean egg dish is storied but at least as far back as Hippocrates in Al-Andalus. He was reported to be served this meal by a physician named Averroes who had brought it over from the Moorish empire, where it may have originated.

Mediterranean egg dish was a favorite of the upper classes in Roman and Medieval times. In 1483, the Pope ordered that it be served at his table, during a famine. The dish has since become associated with the poor due to its peasant origins and association with family meal, but wealthy patrons would also take an interest in it.

Diet, the benefits of eggs

• Its proteins are perfect

The amino acid composition of egg proteins ideally meets our needs. it allows the body to renew muscle mass (and prevent its loss), to develop hormones and antibodies. Two eggs are equivalent to 100g of meat … for a cost price much lower than that of a steak!

• It is rich in vitamins

The egg contains all the vitamins of the B group, in particular B12, of which it provides (for two eggs) a third of the recommended daily intake: a real asset in the event of a vegetarian diet, which exposes you to a deficiency in this vitamin. essential to neurons.

It also provides vitamins a and d as well as lutein: an antioxidant pigment important for eye health.

• It is not subject to any contraindication

Even with excess cholesterol in the blood, studies show that the egg does not increase bad cholesterol (LDL) when its consumption is reasonable: two to three per week. It is well tolerated in the event of digestive disorders, provided it is cooked without or with very little fat: shell, calf, hard, poached …

• Ensure its freshness

The older it is, the more its shell becomes permeable to microbes, such as salmonella. This is why it should be chosen extra-fresh for preparations in which it is raw or very little cooked: mayonnaise, chocolate mousse, custard … In case of illness or treatment altering the immune system, it is preferable to eat it well cooked.

The dish is similar to a scallopine or omelet and derives its name from its similarity in appearance and ingredients.

The Mediterranean Egg Dish Recipe

Servings: 2


This mediterranean egg dish is the ultimate way to fill your morning, lunch, or dinner plate with a healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not only does it have many nutrients in it like protein and vitamins that you need every day but it also has various flavors such as cumin and mint that will change up your routine. Enjoy!



  1. In a large bowl, add the boiled eggs and the feta cheese. With a fork or a whisk mash the eggs and mix in the cheese.

  2. Add in one tablespoon of olive oil to your skillet on medium heat for about five minutes or until it gets very hot. Add in pine nuts and mix them around until they are golden brown.
    -Pour pine nuts into the bowl with the eggs and cheese and add in the oregano, pepper, lemon juice, onion, scallion and chives.

  3. Beat well with a fork until it is all thoroughly mixed together.

  4. Add another tablespoon of olive oil to the skillet on medium heat for about five minutes or until it gets very hot. Pour in egg mixture evenly over the skillet so that it forms one large pancake (You can make multiple smaller ones if desired).

  5. Cook on the first side for 8-10 minutes, until it is golden brown and then flip over to cook the other side for about 5-7 minutes.

  6. Cut into four slices and serve warm. Serve with a fresh fruit salad if desired.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving
Calories 668
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 60.6g94%
Saturated Fat 13.6g68%
Cholesterol 753mg251%
Sodium 490mg21%
Total Carbohydrate 5.6g2%
Dietary Fiber 1.1g5%
Sugars 3.3g
Protein 29.8g60%

Calcium 17%
Vitamin D 347%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily value may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


-You can omit the pine nuts and use almond slices instead for a different taste.
-You can also add 1/4 cup feta cheese along with the eggs when you are cooking them.
-You can leave out the chives if you do not like them.

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