Best Ramadan Mediterranean Egyptian Recipes

Egyptian food is famous for its use of spices such as cumin, turmeric, black pepper, and chili. The most common dishes are kebab, shawarma (a type of sandwich), falafel, and foul. Many of these dishes have their roots in the Middle East. Ramadan Egyptian recipes are a little different than our traditional Ramadan recipes because they include foods that are not traditionally eaten during the month of Ramadan.

I’ve compiled a list of my favorite Ramadan recipes, each one just as flavorful and satisfying as the next. From Egyptian rice dishes to mouth-watering desserts, I’ve got you covered with these traditional meals. Plus, each recipe has been specially labeled halal so that you can make sure it’s right for your diet.

In this article, we give you a few ideas on what you can cook for your family during this holy month.

Ramadan Sahlab

Sahlab is an Arabic-style rice pudding and it is a rich consistency that makes it the perfect dessert for Ramadan. Since this dish can be quite labor intensive to make, the recipe below has a shortcut that allows you to have this in your hands in under 20 minutes.

Sahlab is a hot drink made with water, sugar, and a starch. It’s traditionally served on the Arabian peninsula in the month of Ramadan to break the fast after sunset.

Date porridge

Originating in the Middle East, porridge is a mushy consistency that is great for those who are fasting during the day. The combination of the ingredients below are easy to make and extremely delicious. Dates are known as an excellent source of energy during Ramadan, while milk is known to provide lasting energy to anyone who drinks it after an intense workout or while fasting. Almonds are also a good source of fiber which helps with digestion and can it help you feel full throughout the day.


Another traditional Ramadan Egyptian recipe is called “Ghurraa”. Ghurraa is a whole wheat bread cooked very much like pita bread. It is popular with Egyptians for eating in the morning, during lunch and after Suhoor (during pre-dawn meal at dawn). Often it would also be eaten by children before going to school or to attending a family wedding. This bread would be eaten with butter and yolk of one egg or with any meat dish. 

The Egyptians would add zaatar or thyme to the bread.


Shawarma is one of the most popular Mediterranean dishes, and it is made by cooking meat on a vertical spit over an open flame. Since shawarma is cooked at a high heat, it provides a great source of protein for those who are fasting and it can be very nutritious.

Egyptian sweets and desserts are also a must for Ramadan.


A dessert popular with Muslims in Ramadan is called Basboussa. The Egyptians add rose water in this dessert and because of that it is very famous during this month of the year. It’s made from semolina flour that has been cooked with sugar syrup until it becomes a thick paste like texture.


The Egyptians would also eat dessert during dinner time as a snack; it is called Kanafeh, which is made of semolina (a kind of cereal) with spices and yellow cheese. 

The kanafeh recipe was created in the Levant region by followers of Islam during Ramadan, who fast from sunrise to sunset. The dessert’s name translates to “coffee cake,” as it was sometimes served for breakfast afternoons on the holiday before fasting resumed in the evenings.


Egyptian drinks like Coffee, Tea and Cocoa are popular in this month as well. Especially for “Suhoor”.

Additional Ingredients

Egyptians love to eat seafood in Ramadan. But the most popular to them is the shrimps. Egyptians also like to use rose water in many dishes during Ramadan.

Honey is another popular ingredient, used in many dishes such as Kebabs or ice-creams.

The most popular drink is called “Tutboul”, a cold milk drink with ice and honey. It is so popular that at most local markets are selling Tutboul even during the non-Ramadan months of the year.

It is very similar to the drink called Laban (Arabic: لبن‎). 

In conclusion

We hope you enjoy these delicious recipes and we wish you a wonderful month. Ramadan Mubarak!

If you have any suggestions on recipes or other special features we can add, please do not hesitate to leave a comment!

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Anaïs Allahoum

Hey! my name's Anais and I'm a blog post writer. Mediterranean food is one of the tastiest type of food, and through this blog, I'm aiming to share my passion for it and learned tips with you.

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