10 Delicious Recipes With Chicken Breast

The breast is the part of the chicken that is consumed the most and the one that accumulates the least fat. In the butcher shop you will find them whole already clean or cut in half, especially for cooking or chopping when making stews. You can also ask to have it opened in half as if it were a book and prepare delicious grilled steaks, breaded or stuffed.

If you have children at home, the recipe of the video tutorial is perfect for a complete dinner, not heavy and very nutritious. The first step is to season the breasts whole, without making steaks, and dip them in a pot with boiling water. You have to let them cook for 10 minutes and crumble them in a bowl, with the help of a fork or with your fingers. Once seasoned again, you can reserve this meat to make salads, but the idea of this easy and cheap dish is to mix the meat of the chicken with barbecue sauce to fill a hamburger. Add some chips and you will have a plate.

Benefits of chicken

Chicken meat, when it does not include the skin, is one of the meats with less fat, discover all its varieties and benefits, especially the breast area. It is also rich in protein, so it plays a very important role in the maintenance of our muscles, in addition to having an important contribution of vitamins and minerals, the latter improve the state of our bones. In addition, recipes with chicken have a secret faculty: they reduce stress. The reason is that this bird has large doses of vitamin b5 and tryptophan, in addition to magnesium, so it can help you have a quieter life.

Chicken has white meat, which is very easy to digest because it does not contain as much purines as other meats, and is rich in minerals, vitamins and low cholesterol. And the best thing is that it allows endless cooking. It is the star of any slimming diet because it is one of the meats with the least calories, but if you are tired of grilled breast, get inspired by the dishes that we present here, such as chicken breast rolls or delicious chicken, artichoke and arugula pizza. You will see that you will like it much more.

10 delicious recipes with chicken breast

The chicken breast is one of the most appreciated pieces for its versatility in the kitchen, being easy to prepare and include in hundreds of dishes. If you have already read our article where we explain how to cook the different parts of the chicken, now is the time to apply what you have learned, taking full advantage of it by including it in recipes where this part of the chicken will shine on its own.

Stuffed chicken breast

For chicken lovers this classic recipe does not go out of style becoming an excellent idea for a special dinner. Its preparation is very simple, but with certain tricks, since the secret is to open it, cut it, and put it on top of plastic wrap and with a hammer or a roller slim the fillets very well so that the rolling is easier. As for the filling, there are no limits, you can add whatever you can think of, although the most common is to find it with cheese and ham inside.

Chicken tenders

A recipe that will get you out of trouble on the weekend or simply please the little ones at home. Preparing them is very easy, you just have to cook the chicken breast and cut it into long strips that are not too thin or thick, then pass through a mixture of flour, egg and then cover with bread crumbs to immerse it in hot oil until you get a golden color that will be the indicator that when biting it we will feel a delicious crispy exterior.

Chicken breast in a sauce

From quick and satiating lunches to a rich and special dinner is the solution to this recipe for chicken breast in sauce, one of the dishes that have so many ways to prepare it since the soft flavor of this cut combines perfectly with any type of sauce resulting in a chicken breast that will not be dry but quite the opposite, a very juicy preparation with a lot of character.

The sauces with which you can bathe the chicken breast can be light, creamy, citrus, or sweet and sour the most common recipes with cheese sauce, pineapple, orange, honey mustard, in tomato sauce, mushrooms, bbq, curry, etc.

Salads with chicken breast

It is very common to find among those who lead a balanced lifestyle that they prefer a salad as a main course to lunch or dinner and that this includes some protein being chicken breast a great option.

The way chicken breast accompanies salads is cooked for a few minutes in water and then on the griddle or grill, then cut into slices to distribute throughout the salad. Being a balanced recipe it is recommended to use cooking methods that do not contribute more fats or calories to the preparation avoiding breaded or fried.

Pasta with chicken breast

Pasta will always be the quick and delicious solution for a lunch or dinner where some recipes include chicken breast to have a more complete meal. As in the salad, this protein is added to the pasta already cooked in slices or squares with a sauce. It is also very common to add shredded chicken breast to make lasagna where thin strips go between the pasta slices.

Rice with chicken

This is one of the typical dishes in latin america where each country has its own version, but in all you can not miss the chicken breast as the protagonist. This recipe is ideal when you must feed a large number of diners since it is a preparation that yields enough and does not require several preparations, it is just a matter of having a large pot add rice with some vegetables and chicken breast.

Broth with chicken breast

A comforting recipe that can not be missed on rainy mornings or after a holiday to relieve hangovers. The chicken broth is an easy and quick preparation that should be part of the basic recipe book since in addition to enjoying a delicious and hot cup when our body needs it, it is also an indispensable part for the elaboration of other recipes as a liquid base when preparing rice, stews, noodles, sauces, among others.

Chicken cakes

If when preparing broth you have a little breast left over you can cut it into small pieces or crumble it, put it to fry quickly and mix it with other ingredients to use it as a filling in cakes, empanadas or croquettes. This chicken cake recipe is perfect when you have guests and want to offer a different entrance, you can make them fried or baked, but remember that, although fried food is very delicious you should not abuse its consumption.

Chicken breast a la milanesa

A typical dish of argentine cuisine where beef, pork, fish, and chicken are used, this last ingredient has been responsible for conquering palates throughout the region finding many variations of this recipe.

The chicken breast a la milanesa works as a main course accompanied by a salad or lemon slices that cut a little the fat of its frying since the traditional milanesas are fried, although to have a more balanced preparation they can also be prepared in the oven.

Chicken tacos

Now we go from argentina to mexico with another typical dish that everyone falls in love with, we refer to tacos, a preparation that accepts all kinds of ingredients and chicken breast is one of the most used accompanying some rich sauce. The breast is not only the protagonist in this recipe, we can also include it in tostadas, fajitas, wraps, burritos, crepes, nachos, etc.

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