The Best Healthy Snacks in the Mediterranean Diet

What Makes Mediterranean Snacks Healthy?

what about snacks? The Mediterranean diet is one of the world’s healthiest eating plans. With an emphasis on whole, minimally processed foods, this eating style includes many colorful veggies and fruits. Eating a wide variety of colorful produce isn’t just visually appealing; it also ensures you get antioxidants, which may help prevent specific health issues such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The Mediterranean diet also focuses on consuming whole grains and legumes while limiting red meat and refined sugars. You shouldn’t feel hungry while following a Mediterranean diet, thanks to the inclusion of healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts, avocados, and fatty fish. Here are some of my favorite snack ideas that are rooted in the Mediterranean style of eating.

When the mercury drops dramatically, it is highly tempting to choose foods rich in calories, fat, and salt during the cold season. Lower temperatures and shorter daylight hours can make us want to snack on very treacherous comfort foods. In addition, it can be challenging to find the motivation to train, walk or run when it’s freezing outside. It is ideal for indulging in something that will break your hunger, in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, sweet or salty, in moderation. It is possible to prepare simple healthy, and tasty winter snacks to satisfy your need and nourish the body.

Why Is It Important To Have A Snack

The basic rule, to be respected in a healthy and balanced diet, is to eat five meals a day, that is:

  • The three main ones: breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Two snacks: one mid-morning and the other mid-afternoon.

Five food appointments may seem like a lot, but in reality, you need to pay attention to the quantities and choose the healthiest foods. Above all, it must be understood that you can give the body the nutrients it needs throughout the day by following this routine. Keeping the energy level constant and prolonged between meals makes it possible to defeat hunger pangs and keep the metabolism active.

Rules For A Perfect Snack

  • A few simple good manners for the perfect mid-morning snack or afternoon snack.
  • Don’t skip snacking and fast between meals.
  • Another mistake is to exceed the recommended snack calories, preferring snacks rich in sugar and carbohydrates instead of opting for healthier alternatives. These snacks promote the formation of fat in our bodies and unwanted weight gain.
  • The ideal snack should contain a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates without exceeding 150 Kcal to ensure prolonged energy and reduce the sense of hunger.
  • Try to snack on healthy foods such as fiber-rich whole grains; low- fat dairy products, excellent sources of calcium, and proteins such as yogurt, low-fat cheese, vegetables, and fresh or shelled fruit that contain vitamins, minerals, and monounsaturated fats, bresaola or tuna.
  • Stay away from vending machines, industrial products, and fizzy and sugary drinks.

Healthy Mediterranean Snacks

Veggie Chips

For those who want a break a little crunch and a little vitamin A, C and fiber, veggie chips are definitely worth trying their hand at. Nothing complicated to prepare. To start, use a mandolin to make thin slices of carrots, beets, Jerusalem artichokes, and parsnips. Season them with a drizzle of olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper, chili, paprika or curry if you like spices. Then, place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and bake them in the oven until they reach the desired crunchiness. If, on the other hand, you want some veg but sweet chips, do the same with a good apple, of the gala or granny smith variety!


For an easy-to-make snack rich in fiber, lycopene, and vitamin C, try some simple bruschetta with a Mediterranean flavor. Just toast two thick slices from a loaf of wholemeal bread or a baguette. Brush each bruschetta with a drizzle of olive oil and garnish with diced tomatoes, garlic, onions, basil, and avocado cubes to taste.


Most Italians do not have the correct need for fiber that the body needs. To counter this trend, increase your fiber intake by making a tasty bowl with oatmeal, a sliced ​​banana, and some nut butter for a great mix of fiber, carbohydrates, and proteins! This is the gold standard of winter snacks because it does a double job: it’s delicious, and the potassium in bananas can help prevent muscle cramps.

Mediterranean Roasted Chickpeas Snacks

Yes, chickpeas are a great choice for a warm winter snack because they contain fiber, vitamin A, folic acid,  and magnesium. All you need is a can of chickpeas! First, drain and rinse them, then dry them with absorbent paper. Season them with a tablespoon of olive oil and season them with cumin, salt, and pepper. Finally, place the beans on a baking sheet and bake them in a 400-degree oven for 10 minutes. keep the batch at home and load it into baggies before heading out for the day. They also taste great sprinkled on top of salads or mixed with homemade veggie chips.

White Bean Hummus

With this snack, you can take advantage of the metabolic health benefits of capsaicin (found in spicy foods). Just rinse, drain and blend a can of cannellini (or navy blue) beans with a teaspoon of olive oil, 1/2 clove of garlic, 1/4 teaspoon each of chopped peppers, chili powder, sea salt, and some black pepper. Serve with vegetable crisps, carrots, or celery sticks.

Baba ghanouj

Baba ghanouj (ga-noush) is another tasty and nutritious Mediterranean spread that’s great for snacking, This spread is made with olive oil, a good source of heart-healthy fat, along with eggplant and tahini. It’s great as a dip with raw vegetables such as zucchini slices, mini peppers, celery, and carrots, and the spicy flavor and creamy texture make it great as a sandwich spread too.

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