Mediterranean Breakfast Ideas With Eggs

Eggs can be part of a full breakfast, as long as we accompany them with juice and some fibre. Like other foods, they should be eaten responsibly and balanced.

Eggs for breakfast are a way to take care of your health, as long as they are combined with healthy foods. Their protein intake is low, as is their caloric intake.

In addition, they will not increase your cholesterol levels, but on the contrary, they will have cardioprotective effects. Therefore, you should include them more frequently in your usual diet!

why you should add eggs to your breakfast

Eggs To Reduce Inflammation

It is suggested to add 1 egg in your breakfast about 2 or 3 times a week; this, so that choline helps you lower inflammatory markers. Like, for example, homocysteine.

In turn, the protein present in eggs may help reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis. In addition, if eggs are combined with a little extra virgin olive oil, these benefits can be enhanced.

They Leave Us More Satiated

Surely on some occasions you have read that eggs can help us lose weight. Well, you have to assess all the information objectively by understanding a little of all the data.

Eggs are rich in protein and contain a very high nutritional index. Therefore they will help us feel very satiated and endure in perfect condition until lunchtime. This way we will also avoid snacking between meals. All this will allow you to have more energy and have to consume fewer calories that, in the long term, can make us fat.

Eggs Are A Natural Source Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D will be found in the yolk of the egg. It is known that having a low level of this vitamin will cause our bones to be weak and we have less strong defences. It also causes this to be reflected in the weakness of our hair and nails, as well as muscle aches and very pronounced fatigue.

Finally, eggs contain Omega-3 fatty acids. And as indicated by the Familial Hypercholesterolemia Foundation, egg consumption is not linked to an increase in blood cholesterol, contrary to what was thought years ago.

Remember that to have a healthy breakfast you must include carbohydrates, proteins, fibre and healthy fats, since the latter are a great source of energy and help the body absorb vitamins

mediterranean breakfast ideas with eggs


Including avocado in the first meal of the day is a great idea. It is the fruit with more protein and has potassium in addition to healthy fats with which it will give you energy and is VERY rich either chafado or cut. Its texture next to the egg creates addiction, in addition to providing many nutrients. Accompany it with a coffee with milk and a juice, a very complete and simple breakfast.


The French omelette is another of the classic breakfasts with which we can experiment so as not to fall into boredom. We can ‘roll’ the tortilla (for which you do not need to be an expert cook) with a little ham, bacon, cheese, cherry tomatoes or another vegetable. And it’s always brutal. Trucazo: Put a little milk on the beaten egg so that it comes out super fluffy

Egg in pepper

A delicacy that everyone should try. Basically it is the same recipe as the egg in bread, only here we use the edges of a pepper as edges to prevent the egg from escaping. We can do it as much as we want, depending on the dish. Also to add to the burger. We take a piece of pepper and cut it, throw the egg, let it cook and add it to the burger as if it were another layer. That would be perfect.

So, if you’ve bought too many eggs and still have some for breakfast, you now know how to use them. Be creative

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